
The BHHOA governing documents require that any architectural change impacting view of your property from the street be approved by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and/or the Board of Directors.  Architectural changes completed without approval are subject to removal and/or disciplinary action, as provided for in the CC&Rs.  We are being particularly diligent about enforcement to preserve the character and property values in Bollinger Hills.

The ARC is the review and approval point for modifications of structures and landscaping.  The review process ensures that property values are maintained and the character of the neighborhood is preserved.  At a time when many residents are upgrading their homes, it is especially important that architectural review controls be in place to preserve the high property values we all enjoy.

Before planning any project, review the BHHOA Architectural Rules, Site Planning and Project Design Standards D3, and Site Planning and Project Design Standards D4 for the City of San Ramon. Even if there is no specific rule that covers the work you are considering, the changes must still be approved by the ARC. 

If you are not sure that your work requires architectural review, call us at (925) 415-0847 or send email to:

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Refer to these guidelines for:

The ARC does not have access to architectural drawings for homes in Bollinger Hills. However, you can view basic floor plans for each model by clicking here.

Solar Energy Systems

The BHHOA does not restrict installation of solar energy systems on homeowner property. (Per the California Solar Rights Act.) It is not necessary to submit an application for architectural approval.

How to Obtain Architectural Approval

To request architectural approval for your project, complete the ARC Review Request form. Include any plans, color schemes, roof types, and any other pertinent data. For simple requests, you can complete the form electronically and then email it. This will expedite the approval process. Otherwise,

  • Mail the form to
    Bollinger Hills Homeowner Association, attn: Architectural Committee,
    P.O. Box 449, San Ramon, CA 94583-0449
  • Fax the form and plans to 925.307.7181

The Architectural Committee will review your plans. You will be advised if the plans are approved or not within 30 days of receipt of your request. We normally respond within one week, usually by email.

Failure to obtain ARC approval may result in fines, stoppage of work, and/or enforcement of CC&R provisions to reverse work already started or completed.

Contractor Relations

Contractors may on occasion assure you that work they are about to perform is approved by the BHHOA. A contractor may claim to know what the association architectural rules are and what is and is not permitted. They may indicate that they have performed the same work somewhere else in the development and there was not a problem. The contractor may even tell you that it is all but guaranteed that the association will approve the project. These are all false and misleading statements.

No contractor can speak on behalf of the association. As a homeowner, you are utlimately responsible for ensuring that any architectural change has been approved by the BHHOA prior to start of the project.

Contacting the ARC

Phone - 925.415.0847
FAX - 925.307.7181
Email -

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